New Liberty Print Patterns and Colors!

Every month this spring, we are releasing two completely new colors of Liberty Wool Print and patterns to support them. It's all part of our Liberty Wool Subscription Program for retailers! Here's how it works: a shop signs up for a subscription, and is guaranteed to receive a bag of each new color as it's released, delivered automatically to their shop. They also have access to exclusive patterns to give to their customers when they purchase Liberty Wool Print. Is your LYS a subscriber?

Our new colors released in January are:

7860 Liberty Print
7860-Berry Brambles7861-Golden Pagoda

I love the bright pinks and reds of Berry Brambles, and the wild color variations of Golden Pagoda really caught my eye, so much that I cast on a cowl right away (this free pattern is awesome!)

We released five new patterns in the new Liberty Print colors, all available for download now on Patternfish for $3.00 each.

LWP Mitts
Fingerless Mitts
Easy Granny Hat Granny Patchwork Hat

Striped Short Row Scarf Short Row Triangle Scarf

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